5 Quick and Nutritious Breakfast Ideas

Nutritionists analyzed the studies of scientists from different countries and compiled their rating of the best breakfast foods. According to experts, breakfast should be light, but at the same time give enough energy for the whole day.

Based on this, nutritionists have compiled a list of main breakfast foods:

  • fried eggs or omelet
  • oatmeal with fruits or dried fruits
  • muesli with juice or milk
  • buckwheat porridge with milk
  • fruit salad

The idea of ​​cereal with milk was supported by almost all scientists. They believe that any liquid food, or even better, soups, is most useful for breakfast. They are absorbed faster and do not provoke heaviness in the stomach. But as for the other points of the “useful list”, a dispute arose among experts. Some nutritionists say that breakfast cereals – instant cereals – contain a lot of sugar, as well as artificial additives.

Yogurt is also called useless for breakfast – according to experts, beneficial bacteria, once in an aggressive environment of an empty stomach, are quickly destroyed, and the benefits simply do not reach the intestines. In this case, it is better to add yogurt to the cottage cheese with fruits.

2 thoughts on “5 Quick and Nutritious Breakfast Ideas

  1. Oatmeal with dried fruits is my absolute favourite! I feel full and energized for the whole day.

  2. Great post, thanks. Fried eggs should be cooked without oil.

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