
Bienvenido a nuestra variada y exclusiva tienda donde hemos reunido productos de la más alta calidad. Cada artículo tiene una descripción completa y características para que sepas con seguridad lo que pides. Sin más, ¡comencemos a hacer compras y a sumergirnos en el mundo de Frurra Verde!e!

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Bienvenido a nuestra variada y exclusiva tienda donde hemos reunido productos de la más alta calidad. Cada artículo tiene una descripción completa y características para que sepas con seguridad lo que pides. Sin más, ¡comencemos a hacer compras y a sumergirnos en el mundo de Frurra Verde!e!

  • 5,00 



    The apricot tree is a subspecies of plum trees, and they are very similar in many respects. Apricot fruits contain on big seed, have yellow-red colour, and have various sizes and shapes. Fruits of apricot have rather juicy flesh and a sweet and sour or very sweet taste. In many ways, the size and palatability of apricots depend on the place where they grew.

  • 4,00 

    Black beans


    Central and South America choose black beans for their dishes on a daily basis. These are small beans with a black shell and a creamy white inside, slightly sweet, mealy and friable in taste. Black beans should be soaked for 6-7 hours, and then cook for at least an hour.


  • Original price was: 7,00 €.Current price is: 5,25 €.



    The cultivation area of ​​blueberries is the temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Blueberry bushes are extremely tenacious – their age can reach 100 years. The size of the berries is about 1.2 cm. They have a dark blue color with smoky spraying. Blueberries are actively used both in cooking and in pharmacology.

    Original price was: 7,00 €.Current price is: 5,25 €.

Some Shop Info

Frutta Verde is an online reliable greengrocery and a fruit store for all to find multiple fresh products which strengthen health and add new interesting and rich tastes to your dinner table. We are happy to serve you!