
Bienvenido a nuestra variada y exclusiva tienda donde hemos reunido productos de la más alta calidad. Cada artículo tiene una descripción completa y características para que sepas con seguridad lo que pides. Sin más, ¡comencemos a hacer compras y a sumergirnos en el mundo de Frurra Verde!e!

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Bienvenido a nuestra variada y exclusiva tienda donde hemos reunido productos de la más alta calidad. Cada artículo tiene una descripción completa y características para que sepas con seguridad lo que pides. Sin más, ¡comencemos a hacer compras y a sumergirnos en el mundo de Frurra Verde!e!

  • Original price was: 2,00 €.Current price is: 1,75 €.



    The fruits of apple trees can be of a small, medium, sometimes large, flat-round shape or they can be slightly conical and asymmetric. The apple peel has a bright yellow and green colour with numerous subcutaneous bright spots. The pulp is white, delicate, very juicy with wine-sweet taste and aroma.

    Original price was: 2,00 €.Current price is: 1,75 €.
  • 3,00 



    Broccoli is a unique product. There is more protein in it than in beef, and its quality is in no way inferior to a protein of animal origin. At the same time, the value of broccoli protein increases due to the content of substances that prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the human body.

  • 1,75 



    Cauliflower is one of the most popular subspecies of garden cabbage. In this cabbage an inflorescence is edible. Cauliflower is a very popular product and is grown all over the world. It is the most cultivated cabbage after the white cabbage.


Some Shop Info

Frutta Verde is an online reliable greengrocery and a fruit store for all to find multiple fresh products which strengthen health and add new interesting and rich tastes to your dinner table. We are happy to serve you!