
Bienvenido a nuestra variada y exclusiva tienda donde hemos reunido productos de la más alta calidad. Cada artículo tiene una descripción completa y características para que sepas con seguridad lo que pides. Sin más, ¡comencemos a hacer compras y a sumergirnos en el mundo de Frurra Verde!e!

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Bienvenido a nuestra variada y exclusiva tienda donde hemos reunido productos de la más alta calidad. Cada artículo tiene una descripción completa y características para que sepas con seguridad lo que pides. Sin más, ¡comencemos a hacer compras y a sumergirnos en el mundo de Frurra Verde!e!

  • 5,00 



    The apricot tree is a subspecies of plum trees, and they are very similar in many respects. Apricot fruits contain on big seed, have yellow-red colour, and have various sizes and shapes. Fruits of apricot have rather juicy flesh and a sweet and sour or very sweet taste. In many ways, the size and palatability of apricots depend on the place where they grew.

  • Original price was: 2,50 €.Current price is: 1,75 €.



    There are two types of bananas – sweet and sycamore. The first type is consumed raw or added to desserts. Platano requires preliminary heat treatment and are the basis of salty dishes. On Frutta Verge online store website, only the freshest and most delicious bananas are available, fast delivery will save you from the hassle associated with their purchase.

    Original price was: 2,50 €.Current price is: 1,75 €.
  • 4,00 

    Big red beans


    The consumption of beans has a sugar-lowering, cholesterol-lowering and antimicrobial effect on the body. Now beans take the second place in the world among legumes and is very beloved by people of all ages and countries.

  • 3,00 



    Broccoli is a unique product. There is more protein in it than in beef, and its quality is in no way inferior to a protein of animal origin. At the same time, the value of broccoli protein increases due to the content of substances that prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the human body.

  • 1,75 



    Cauliflower is one of the most popular subspecies of garden cabbage. In this cabbage an inflorescence is edible. Cauliflower is a very popular product and is grown all over the world. It is the most cultivated cabbage after the white cabbage.

  • 3,75 

    Cherry Tomatoes

    Cherry tomatoes are of small size and grow on a twig. The rounded shape of the fruit has a bright red colour of the skin and pulp. The latter is juicy, while the tomatoes are dense. To taste the fruits are sweet and fragrant. The weight of the branch is 300-500 grams.

  • Original price was: 4,00 €.Current price is: 2,75 €.


    Wild blackcurrant is found throughout Eurasia. Currants were brought to North America and today are widely spread there. In the Акгееф Мукву online store, you will find a large assortment of currants, and fast home delivery will not keep you waiting!

    Original price was: 4,00 €.Current price is: 2,75 €.
  • 4,00 

    Green Chili Pepper

    Green chili pepper is an unripe fruit, therefore it contains fewer vitamins than red chili pepper. This sort contains vitamins A and C, vitamins of group B in particular vitamin B6. As for the minerals, it is rich in potassium, magnesium and iron.

  • Original price was: 5,00 €.Current price is: 4,00 €.


    The homeland of kiwi is China. As a result of this, kiwi is often called Chinese gooseberry. In their original natural form, kiwis were much smaller in size and inferior in taste to the present fruit. Modern kiwi is the result of the work of New Zealand gardeners. They are currently grown in many countries with a subtropical climate.

    Original price was: 5,00 €.Current price is: 4,00 €.
  • 2,25 


    The homeland of pepper is tropical regions of America. Currently, pepper is grown on all continents. This vegetable is widely beloved bt people of all nationalities and from all countries.

  • Original price was: 4,00 €.Current price is: 3,25 €.


    Peas are considered an indispensable source of amino acids for vegetarians and people who consume insufficient amounts of meat products. Green peas contain vitamins such as group B, C, E, PP, carotene, as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron.

    Original price was: 4,00 €.Current price is: 3,25 €.
  • 7,00 


    Pineapples are sweet and juicy fruits used both in desserts and in salty dishes. Perfect and traditional is the combination of pineapple with chicken, salads with chicken meat and pineapple, baked chicken with pineapple etc. However, pineapple is widely used with any other type of meat. Pineapple is also used as the basis for the cooking of various sauces.

  • 0,75 


    The homeland of potatoes, just like sweet potatoes, is South America. This vegetable is the most popular in the whole world and is used in almost all national dishes. The structure and taste of potatoes differ depending on the type of vegetable. Currently, there are about four thousand varieties of potatoes.

  • 3,75 


    Tomatoes are unique vegetables and are one of the most popular vegetables eaten. This is partly thanks to a large number of its sorts. Tomatoes are canned, pickled, salted, juice, tomato paste, a variety of sauces are made from them.

  • Original price was: 5,00 €.Current price is: 4,50 €.


    Watermelon is the name of the sort of plants and their fruits which are native to South Africa. Watermelon began to spread from Egypt, where, according to ancient sources, it was cultivated already in the 20th century BC.

    Original price was: 5,00 €.Current price is: 4,50 €.

Some Shop Info

Frutta Verde is an online reliable greengrocery and a fruit store for all to find multiple fresh products which strengthen health and add new interesting and rich tastes to your dinner table. We are happy to serve you!